hello, please leave this thread open... i'm going to add infos in here and thus make a complete guide from installing to multiplayer.
if you lack of ANY file, installer, game, O.S. or whatever, EMAIL ME. i've got everything: creso@fastwebnet.it
ah guys by the way, dont even dare to think "so whats the point, i have to install a damn bunch of things to play a game 15 years old??"
because the answer is:
1) YES since its deadlock 2!
2) YES because you can also run WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM age of empires 1,2,conquerors,forgotten empires... AND ...caesar3, sim city...and ALL the old games! and old software as well. it will be useful, when you discover that the cds you burnt 10 years ago dont work anymore....
DL2 multiplayer guide
- TimeDilation
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DL2 multiplayer guide
Last edited by TimeDilation on Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- TimeDilation
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- Posts: 66
- Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:24 am
- Favourite Race: Uva Mosk
- Location: ITALY (BELGIUM)
Re: DL2 multiplayer guide
well guys DL2 is an old game. if you want to enjoy it 100%, with all the musics, extras and everything, you'll have to properly install it.
PROBLEM: new operating systems dont even recognize dl2 setup to run it!
we then need to take your pc (it's windows, is it???) and install on it a useful application called VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
download and istall.
then, create a new virtual unit. don't worry about your disk's space or ram usage: you can set it to very cheap values and anyways there is the option for "dynamic" disk (it means that you set TOP RAM usage, or TOP HD capacity, then if its below these limits, only what you are effectively using will be occupied as a virtual disk space or ram)
I did this: XP machine, 1GB max space, 512mb ram, and dynamic settings as explained before.
once you installed VirtualBox and set it, you need an operative system on it.
i had an original winxp cd. i just went on virtualbox, set a cd driver as default virtual machine cd driver, and then booted the virtual machine using the real xp cd into my drive.
you can do it even with virtualized cd on your host machine. anyway, you just need to install win xp or win 95 on your virtual machine.
now, you should have your usual pc, with a software called Virtual Box. you launch it, and then you can boot a virtual win xp machine. a computer inside a computer.
It's time to install a few things into this brand new virtual pc:
1- DAEMON TOOLS http://www.daemon-tools.cc/ita/products/dtLite
2- HAMACHI http://hamachi.en.softonic.com/
3- DL2 (I use an .ISO image, that's why I use Daemon: to run the cd image on the virtual machine)
(5- antivirus? crap cleaner? remember this is a pc as every other, it needs maintainance!)
1- virtualbox modes are a)fullscreen b)scaled mode c)windowed
to cycle through them, press rightctrl+f.
2- a BUG that i spotted on dl2 1.2 (so the patched version) is that IF YOU CHANGE DIMENSION ON SCALED MODE WINDOW, the mouse pointer will leave a trail making the game unplayable.
i suggest you to set the resolution on the virtual machine's desktop, then play DL2 only in scaled mode and not touching window dimension. windowed will be useless, and fullscreen too because on DL2 is like a windowed resolution with a black frame. so, play scaled mode and dont change for any reason the window size (you can always adjust it from screen properties - right click on desktop)
ok this will be enuff to configure your machine, install deadlock 2, patch it, solve eventual bugs, and play amazing single player full fun games!
p.s little add on:
it will be quicker to you to create a SHARED FOLDER between your host pc and the virtual xp machine. its quite easy, and it allows you to move files instantly between your machines (like deadlock saves...).
i followed this guide here, which is in italian but it has pictures and im sure it works 100%
http://giornaledisistema.blogspot.be/20 ... guest.html
well guys DL2 is an old game. if you want to enjoy it 100%, with all the musics, extras and everything, you'll have to properly install it.
PROBLEM: new operating systems dont even recognize dl2 setup to run it!
we then need to take your pc (it's windows, is it???) and install on it a useful application called VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
download and istall.
then, create a new virtual unit. don't worry about your disk's space or ram usage: you can set it to very cheap values and anyways there is the option for "dynamic" disk (it means that you set TOP RAM usage, or TOP HD capacity, then if its below these limits, only what you are effectively using will be occupied as a virtual disk space or ram)
I did this: XP machine, 1GB max space, 512mb ram, and dynamic settings as explained before.
once you installed VirtualBox and set it, you need an operative system on it.
i had an original winxp cd. i just went on virtualbox, set a cd driver as default virtual machine cd driver, and then booted the virtual machine using the real xp cd into my drive.
you can do it even with virtualized cd on your host machine. anyway, you just need to install win xp or win 95 on your virtual machine.
now, you should have your usual pc, with a software called Virtual Box. you launch it, and then you can boot a virtual win xp machine. a computer inside a computer.
It's time to install a few things into this brand new virtual pc:
1- DAEMON TOOLS http://www.daemon-tools.cc/ita/products/dtLite
2- HAMACHI http://hamachi.en.softonic.com/
3- DL2 (I use an .ISO image, that's why I use Daemon: to run the cd image on the virtual machine)
(5- antivirus? crap cleaner? remember this is a pc as every other, it needs maintainance!)
1- virtualbox modes are a)fullscreen b)scaled mode c)windowed
to cycle through them, press rightctrl+f.
2- a BUG that i spotted on dl2 1.2 (so the patched version) is that IF YOU CHANGE DIMENSION ON SCALED MODE WINDOW, the mouse pointer will leave a trail making the game unplayable.
i suggest you to set the resolution on the virtual machine's desktop, then play DL2 only in scaled mode and not touching window dimension. windowed will be useless, and fullscreen too because on DL2 is like a windowed resolution with a black frame. so, play scaled mode and dont change for any reason the window size (you can always adjust it from screen properties - right click on desktop)
ok this will be enuff to configure your machine, install deadlock 2, patch it, solve eventual bugs, and play amazing single player full fun games!
p.s little add on:
it will be quicker to you to create a SHARED FOLDER between your host pc and the virtual xp machine. its quite easy, and it allows you to move files instantly between your machines (like deadlock saves...).
i followed this guide here, which is in italian but it has pictures and im sure it works 100%
http://giornaledisistema.blogspot.be/20 ... guest.html
Re: DL2 multiplayer guide
I could translate this italian guide as I'm napolitan if it helps...