What is the optimal build at the start of a game ?

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What is the optimal build at the start of a game ?

Post by Gragouzy »

How do you start the game in order to have the most optimal development for a long game ?

I personally favor demographic development by building 3 luxury houses in two territories at the same time. But I would like to know what you consider if it is ioptimal to start with luxury homes.

Here my build order for Human :

Note : This build only works with humans due to their bonus on trade and taxes.

[Start on a grassland]

[Turn 1] :

- The starting colonizer settled on a other grassland.

Landing field :
- 1 luxury house on the landing field : 4 starting settlers build the luxury house.
- Full trade in the city-center.
- Increase the territorial taxes of the landing field to “Increased taxes”.

[Turn 2]

Landing field :
- Second luxury house on landing field with the 4 settlers.

Second territory :
- The settler start to build a luxury house.

[Turn 3]

Landing field :
- Third luxury house on landing field with 4 settlers.

[Turn 4]

Landing field :
- 3 settlers build a farm.
- 2 settlers on city center.

[Turn 5]

Landing field :
- 2 settlers on farm. Farm make only food.
- 4 settlers on city center.
- Decrease the territorial taxes of the landing field to “stardard taxes”.

[Turn 6]

Second territory :
- The settler start to build a second luxury house.

[Turn 7]

Landing field :
- 1 settler migrate to the second territory to help the building of the second luxury house.
- The 4 settlers on city center start to build a university
- Keep 2 settles on the farm.

[Turn 8]

Landing field :
- 4 settlers on university : start researching technology.
- 3 settlers on farm.

[Turn 9]

Second territory :
- 2 settlers start to build the third luxury house.
- 1 settler stay on the basic house.

[Adapt your gameplay]
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Re: What is the optimal build at the start of a game ?

Post by Firetron »

I tend to keep at the housing and food a bit longer before starting research.
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Re: What is the optimal build at the start of a game ?

Post by sdu754 »

I think you might be overly focusing on population early on. I always play of fast production because it speeds up the game, which I like.

Turn 1:
Land in a plain or forest if no plains in available or if I am playing as the Cyth. Tarth and Uva Mosk do well in forest too.
Build a university in one turn with two workers and build two Apartment complexes in one turn with one worker each.
I move my colonizer to whichever neighboring Territory I deem to be best and start a new settlement.
I set down a power plant and a farm on turn one, they will get some labor towards building this way.

Turn 2:
Use two workers on research, have two build a power plant.
Set one worker in new settlement to build an apartment in one turn and have him build another apartment on turn three,

I like to research Nuclear Fusion first, because the first power plant is awful, then I go for the other level one tech. Getting to level two buildings is too important to put off research for seven or so turns. Having better buildings will limit the need for more workers. For example, it would take three nuclear plants with a total of 15 workers to produce the same power that two fusion plants would with a total of six workers, and that is assuming that the third power plant is on a square that is as good as the first two plants. You also need to feed those nine extra workers too.

You also don't need to start out on two plains, they are only good for population and food production and a forest isn't much worse in these respects.
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