As many of you have probably noticed, Gallius IV has been rather quiet since its height in 2011. Looking over website statistics, Gallius IV had fewer hits this year than it did in 2010, despite the fact that the site was only open for 8 days in that year! The lack of community activity is largely my fault, given that due to other commitments I have neglected my role as community leader and this is why I have decided to ask a few favours of the community at large:
- I will attempt to organise community games of Deadlock II and possibly Deadlock I (if we can figure out a way to make multiplayer work) if enough interest is shown. Community multiplayer games can be discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=377.
- Keep the conversation going, try and get involved in any Deadlock related discussion (preferably on this board) you can. If no good discussions are taking place, help us by starting new topics on any Deadlock related subjects you think are interesting.
- Share any interesting Deadlock II scenarios you create. Some interesting scenarios were posted a while back which did generate some interest and discussion. Deadlock II's map file format has now been decoded: ... AP%20File/ (this page may have some errors and omissions that still need to be fixed). With the map file format decoded, its possible to gain much greater control over a world map than the scenario editor will allow, especially since it is now possible to set up the map grid however one wants it. I have been experimenting with creating maps mostly by hand using a hex editor, which has successfully allowed for a map with square territories to be created. This map is attached, feel free to modify and use it in your own scenarios. It was supposed to resemble a Chinese Chess board, don't know if it was entirely successful. I can write a guide about how to best create a custom map with a custom grid setup if anyone is interested.
- Feel free to share any other ideas you may have for keeping this community alive, I'd love to hear them and help make them happen.
Thanks for sticking with Gallius IV these past five years and hopefully 2016 will be the community's best and most vibrant year yet.