[OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Territory Type Info.

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[OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Territory Type Info.

Post by Tggtt »

Dear members,

Thank you very much for the collected information.

The purpose of this topic is mostly informative.

We should have enough information on territory types however, our current focus is on resource production.

We have already implemented resource tile information and basic building production accurately, however, it is limited to a few tested buildings.

Therefore I am just pointing the Territory priority when writing Wikis:

Confirmed for Alpha 1:
  1. Plains;
  2. Forests;
  3. Mountains;
  4. Swamps;
Delayed (later versions only)
  1. Seas;
  2. Wasteland;
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Territory Type In

Post by uranix »

What exactly is needed here? Wiki already has info about these.
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Territory Type In

Post by Tggtt »

Hello uranix.

Firstly, when I wrote the topic, these articles didn't exist.

However, we still need numbers in the infoboxes that go beyond just "good and poor" to allow us to calculate them.

No worries though, some of them are available in the guidebook.

My current suggestion on top priority is to document buildings and how they upgrade, because this information is not available anywhere.
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Territory Type In

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Since the world generator is essentially complete and just needs to be ported over to Tggtt's code (with some changes to make it work more with external parameters), I think we have all we need to know for territories at the moment. My text frontend for it has resource calculation and it corresponds with the original game perfectly, so the algorithms for that are already there.
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Territory Type In

Post by General9913 »

I'm sorry, but I don't have this guidebook info, so I had to stipulate those "good and poor" values.

I believe all Deadlock I buildings articles are complete (Basic info that is, no description yet), but there's still work to be done on Deadlock II.

What else do you need?
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