[OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Pop. Growth & Tax

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[OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Pop. Growth & Tax

Post by Tggtt »

Dear members,

Thank you very much for the collected information.

The purpose of this topic is mostly informative.

Grunt and I have collected a lot of information on population growth that should be enough for the alpha versions, however, Deadlocks apparently approximate these values so we cannot confirm how accurate they are.

While we do not need to make things faithfully accurate, it is useful to keep things documented, so please review and help improving the documentation.

Elements that affect tax collection:
  • Races;
  • Global tax level;
  • Local tax level.
Note: morale effect is being delayed, therefore we intend to lock the levels for the first versions.

Elements that population growth:
  • Races;
  • Territory Type;
  • Amount of vacant housing;
  • Population limits.
Note: Only humans are officially confirmed for OpenDeadlock, however, its modding support already allows to add arbirary races.
We do not recommend testers to add more races yet.

Please correct me if I am wrong as soon as possible.

Many thanks!
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Pop. Growth & Tax

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Tggtt wrote:Deadlocks apparently approximate these values so we cannot confirm how accurate they are.
Could it be that the game is just dropping the numbers after the decimal point, as is done when converting non-whole numbers to integers? I.e. 27.8 becomes 27, 3.4 becomes 3, etc.? It does this for resource calculations.

Overpopulation calculation is another thing we have not yet been able to figure out.
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Pop. Growth & Tax

Post by Tggtt »

Grunt is probably right but I could not confirm, I am still busy.
My apologies.
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Re: [OpenDeadlock Crowdsourcing Request] - Pop. Growth & Tax

Post by sdu754 »

Ubergeneral Grunt wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:47 am
Tggtt wrote:Deadlocks apparently approximate these values so we cannot confirm how accurate they are.
Could it be that the game is just dropping the numbers after the decimal point, as is done when converting non-whole numbers to integers? I.e. 27.8 becomes 27, 3.4 becomes 3, etc.? It does this for resource calculations.

Overpopulation calculation is another thing we have not yet been able to figure out.
This is what Deadlock does, it rounds down
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