Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

General discussion, queries, etc. about Deadlock and Deadlock II.
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by surchk »

Although I don't get to frequent these forums too often or as often as I would like, I still manage to get a few games of Deadlock in every week. The first time I played DL was the shareware version of DL1 on one of those PC Magazine demo discs. If I recall correctly, you had to defeat your opponent(s) within either 30 or 60 turns else you lost the match and the game ended. I must have clocked hours and hours, days and days on the shareware version alone.

The first computer my family owned was a Gateway 2000 P5 full tower the next one was a Compaq Presario 5XXX series. I think we had DL1 on the Gateway and DL2 when we got the Compaq. I must have been 8 or 9 when we had the Gateway and was playing DL1, that game taught me so much, especially the shareware version. Because of the in game limitations I was forced to think critically and carefully and plan every single turn I took and move I made, it was so intense. Deadlock helped me to understand how RTS and TBS games are supposed to be played. The only other game I remember that kept me so intrigued and challenged me like Deadlock did was StarFlight for the Sega Genesis (1991). It was based off of the MS-DOS version that was launched in 1986 I believe.

Anyway, it was such a blessing running across this website and forum, and its been truly an honor being able to speak to and hear from some of the devs that were part of creating Deadlock. I can only hope I run into another TBS that is as good as Deadlock is. So for now, calling up my brother, cousin and 2 or 3 of our friends and having a small LAN party going on old Windows XP laptops with some beers has been working out well for now.

Happy 20th Anniversary and a big thanks to all the individuals that helped make this masterpiece!
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by rshiffer »

Hi all,

As one of the developers of Deadlock, I am overwhelmed that anyone still remembers our game 20 years later! The group of people that made Deadlock are some of the best people I have ever known. Making it was truly a labor of love, and one of the best times of my life. I thank everyone who has ever played the game, and especially those of you who keep it alive!

Russell 'Commander' Shiffer
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Thanks for dropping by Commander.
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by Tggtt »

Ubergeneral Grunt wrote: And at the same time be playable in a lunch break, unlike most strategy games.
I was going to add that, but I forgot. I think that is the prime factor that makes me prefer Deadlock over other TBS games.
Even short games can be fun. Even being defeated can be fun. This was a breakthrough for me.
As for long TBS matches, I find it really upsetting to lose after playing for several hours, or should I say, days?
Darsnan wrote:Streamlining done right - a lot of today's computer game companies could learn a thing or two from Deadlock!
Maybe, As for TBS games, I think that we are currently saturated by mediocre browser games. There are a few exceptions but that's another story.
MaugTheInfirm wrote:So here's to a game I still play, and still learn something new to after more than a decade of playing.
While this is not uncommon, I think this sums up how is the learning curve of Deadlock. It is not hard to learn despite being complex. 4X games usually have a steep learning curve that would force the player to read long manuals before learning to play.
rshiffer wrote:As one of the developers of Deadlock, I am overwhelmed that anyone still remembers our game 20 years later! The group of people that made Deadlock are some of the best people I have ever known. Making it was truly a labor of love, and one of the best times of my life. I thank everyone who has ever played the game, and especially those of you who keep it alive!
Thanks Commander, I believe we are going to keep it up for much longer. I think this community could even grow larger to celebrate more anniversaries.

Thanks everyone, this topic is the best we have had in a long time. And I am sure this special date will be remembered accordingly.
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by Belix »

If I recall correctly, Deadlock: Planetary Conquest was the second turn-based strategy game I ever played, behind Civilization II. I spent many hours playing both. At the time, having experienced many less PC games and TBS games, I enjoyed them both quite a bit, but looking back today I hold Deadlock in much higher regard.

In retrospect, Deadlock proved that complexity was not necessarily what made TBS games fun. It showed me that you could strip away a lot of the needlessly time-consuming stuff that bogs down many TBS games even today and still have a fun game that gets you invested and determined to win.

It's also one of few games I can honestly say I wouldn't change much. It's great as is out of the box. My only regret is that it didn't have more features, such as diplomatic alliances/teams for multiplayer (which we saw make its way into the sequel somewhat). If Deadlock had team play, I would totally get at least one of my gamer friends to play with me, but in its current state it is difficult to share with anyone.

I can't comment on Deadlock II since I've never really played it.

Deadlock is one of those rare games where you can sense the developers worked hard to create something fun. It's a shame we don't have more developers like you guys out there today, because most of these games are just cash grabs being cranked out by huge companies trying to sustain their operating costs, or little guys and groups trying to get rich quick. Modern games tend to be fun by chance more than design...

Anyway, the exact date isn't important, but can anyone confirm August 14th was the release date? I have a date for July 22nd, roughly 3 weeks earlier. Perhaps someone who reads here will know. :)
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

I did as well from somewhere, but GOG has August 14 listed, so I went with that.
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by General9913 »

I wish I can see Deadlock for Android, IOS and other mobile plataforms. I had a crazy idea right now... A game like one of those from Telltalle Games would be awesome.

I had the idea to creat a Wikia about the Deadlock series to help promote it, make the developers notice they have a gem on hand. I barely edited there because I barely edit nowadays, usually I stay in chat at some Wikias, I prefer to talk than edit XD

In case you are wondering what I'm talking about:

You know? I can't believe it's Deadlock's 20th Anniversay, I remember when I first played in 1997... What an amazing game, honestly I can't describe it, it has so many features, the developers thought in everything! I love this game till this very day, I wish I can see Deadlock III!
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by Tggtt »

Today is August 14.
Happy 23rd Anniversary to Deadlock: Planetary Conquest.
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Re: Deadlock - Official 20th Anniversary Topic

Post by Tggtt »

Sorry for bumping.

Happy 24th Anniversary to Deadlock: Planetary Conquest.
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