Questions about Deadlock

General discussion, queries, etc. about Deadlock and Deadlock II.
Team Sleep
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Team Sleep »

Hello all!

First time first post.

I'd like to say it's great to see such a vibrant living community for this game. It's been a sleeper for too long and I'm glad it's re emerged. Despite the number of subscribed users in here there are many more out there that still search for this game and our community will only grow as time goes by. So I would like to thank the creators for allowing such a place for fans to exist and the fans for breathing life into these forums. :D

As I've started playing again since years of absence I must say I've downloaded my copy from GOG.COM and must say I still have many more questions about the game. I assume this is the right place to post here goes.

1) How does cloaking work and how do I activate/deactivate it?

2)How does the teleporter work and how do I activate it?

3) What is the icon that looks like a metalic beehive on some of my territories indicate?

4) Does one need to continue to mine Iron & Steel when enduriam research is completed?

Thank you friends!
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Tggtt »

Since no one answered, I guess this one shouldn't be left unanswered after so long:
Team Sleep wrote:1) How does cloaking work and how do I activate/deactivate it?
It's an order that can be issued to spyjets. You have to order them to cloak, similarly how we order scouts to spy or colonizers to build settlement.
Team Sleep wrote:2)How does the teleporter work and how do I activate it?
It makes transportation cheaper. You don't need to activate it.
Team Sleep wrote:3) What is the icon that looks like a metalic beehive on some of my territories indicate?
It's probably the indicator of the city size inside the territory.
Team Sleep wrote:4) Does one need to continue to mine Iron & Steel when enduriam research is completed?
Nope, but sometimes it's better to continue using steel depending on your territories production.

I hope I answered everything correctly.
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by MaugTheInfirm »

Those beehives might also be territories with a cultural center. Since those are one path to victory - including by your opponents - it can be helpful to see how many each enemy has built.

Transporters also add to unit movement (fuel gets transported into their fuel tanks). Humans pay zero for transport as soon as they research hoverways, but for the rest of the races Transporters is the first time resource movement becomes free. See the tech tree on this website here: ... ogies.html
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Kayato »

Hi everyone, I'm very glad to see an active forum on this game, Deadlock section on GOG is a little dead.
I've some question about game mechanics but first anyone know wich program to use to open SPRITELG.DAT? I was looking for game assets (like sprite and other image) to make a guide.
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Tggtt »

Kayato wrote:Hi everyone
Hello Kayato, welcome to GalliusIV.
Kayato wrote:program to use to open SPRITELG.DAT? I was looking for game assets (like sprite and other image) to make a guide.
Currently, I only know the one made by the OpenDeadlock team. It is not our current priority to improve it, but it works.
We do not have pre-built executables (this means you need to compile them for now...). It should be easy to compile if you are happy with XPM output. Other output formats require to install a graphics library. It is not easy to use, it is console based and you need to provide the sprite*.dat, the deadlock.exe and a palette file.

Please read the decoding news for more information. If you just want to browse sprites, the Knowledge Gathering tool could be enough (it is web-based and free to register). I am not allowed to provide the extracted sprites, I am sorry.
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Kayato »

Thank you, I will check your links!

Some question about the game (oh is DL1)

1) you are able to see a "territory budget"? I mean how much energy I need in that territory and stuff like that.
2) you are able to see a complete "credits overview"? How many tax you get (this one I found it) how many credits for trade and all units upkeep.
3) When you reach the CC quota to win the game.....when the game ends?

I create this shet to help me in the game, maybe can be usefull: ... sp=sharing
(I'm still work on it, also you may find MANY typos!)
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Tggtt »

Hello again Kayato!

Thanks for sharing your spreadsheet, it's very neat how it shows so much information so easily.

By the way, you might be interested on contributing to our Wiki (managed by Grand Cherokee).

Some Wiki instructions (buildings documentation request, but not limited to).

I also need to remind you that there's an official Deadlock 1 strategy book that also includes some tables like your spreadsheet. You might be willing to find one for sale. We cannot reproduce its content here.
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Kayato »

Yeah, I heard about that guide but I think I do not need it, I can easily find the data from some games in "easy" and the manuals and guides included in the game folders(I have the GOG version).

By chance, you know the answer to the questions about the gameplay I've placed before?
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Tggtt »

Ok, let me try to answer.
Kayato wrote:1) you are able to see a "territory budget"? I mean how much energy I need in that territory and stuff like that.
I don't think so, the colony/empire statistics report is the closest there is. Check the reports menu on top. There is also a tool bar icon for it.
All you have is the statistics report and the resources panel that show the production differences, but no absolute numbers.
Kayato wrote:2) you are able to see a complete "credits overview"? How many tax you get (this one I found it) how many credits for trade and all units upkeep.
I don't think so, the colony/empire statistics report is the closest there is. Check the reports menu on top. There is also a tool bar icon for it. (DL1)
It's worth mentioning that DL2 has a special view for managing the settlement that shows everything that is created there.
Kayato wrote:3) When you reach the CC quota to win the game.....when the game ends?
This seems to be the same for both DL1 and DL2.
After one full turn cycle plus the battle of the second turn afterwards.
In other words: There are two battle opportunities for the enemies right when someone reaches that state.
Example: you finish building the required CC count on turn 50. That's when you get the message (something like) "Gallius IV will be ours". Prior to playing that turn, the enemy may attack you.
After you finish turn 50, the battles are considered prior to the game victory condition.
This means you can still be attacked before you would be able to play turn 51.
So if all CCs survive throughout turns 50 and 51, you will and receive the message (something like) "Gallius IV is our forever!" and you win the game right when you reach turn 51 (you won't be able to play it).
If any of the required CCs is damaged or completely destroyed, you won't win by turn 51.

(It might be different in some DL2 campaign missions)

I hope that helps, I am sorry if there are any mistakes.
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Re: Questions about Deadlock

Post by Kayato »

Tnx, it was a bug. I tried a new game on a small map:

- kill everyone, nothing
- conquered all territory, nothing
- build all CC to win, nothing

So I save-quit-load and.....instant victory.
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