Here's another Deadlock Comic, hot from the press. Expect to see more frequent updates from now on, I'll try and remember to actually upload them after they're done.
Surprise! Yes, it's an art update. Now, the comics should not only look better, but more closely follow the game. You'll even be getting better jokes, as they've actually been planned in advance (for once).
Have fun reading the new & improved Deadlock Comics!
I'm pleased to announce that not only do you have an art update, but our 'special effects budget' (as it were) has increased substantially! As you may have noticed in the previous comic, both the backgrounds and effects should be getting much better (Witness the advent of shadows! We've never had those before!). Also, some of your old favourites who got very little screen-time (Ch'Cht, Tarth, and Uva Mosk come to mind) should be featuring much more prominently in the future, so don't you fret; the great potential of Deadlock Comics is yet to come!
Tomgrakk wrote:I'm pleased to announce that not only do you have an art update, but our 'special effects budget' (as it were) has increased substantially! As you may have noticed in the previous comic, both the backgrounds and effects should be getting much better (Witness the advent of shadows! We've never had those before!). Also, some of your old favourites who got very little screen-time (Ch'Cht, Tarth, and Uva Mosk come to mind) should be featuring much more prominently in the future, so don't you fret; the great potential of Deadlock Comics is yet to come!
- Tomgrakk
Well done, keep your creations coming!
Where are we on the curve, we'll know once it goes asymptotic (hopefully).