Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

General discussion, queries, etc. about Deadlock and Deadlock II.
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Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by zombipuppy »

I'm so happy I could cry!
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Yes, it's true!

I thought it was all a dream, but no, I can feel pain! I wonder who these Tommo guys are?
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Had a bit of a play with it now and here are a few things I noticed:
- Multi-player games aren't available (which is a real blow).
- The game window doesn't seem to want to display at a size any larger than 1280x1024, even though the original version can run okay on some resolutions higher than that (such as 1400x1050).
- The issues with territory sounds (buildings, people, etc) seem to have been fixed.
- There does not appear to be any enhancements, it would have been nice if they used the higher quality sound and music from the Mac version.
- For some reason, Desktop Composition has been disabled, meaning the game windows have a flat, Windows 95 appearance. This can be fixed by turning off "Disable Desktop Composition" in the compatibility settings.

I haven't looked at the German version of Deadlock I or Deadlock II, yet.

It looks as though Tommo are the new rights holders of Deadlock, hopefully they were able to get the source code from Atari. If they do have the source code, hopefully we can convince them to donate it to the OpenDeadlock project. With an updated, cross-platform application, sales of the GOG version will definitely increase (which will have the required data files).
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Deadlock II appears to be unchanged, the multi-player option is still there (it uses TCP/IP, which is still supported under Windows 7, unlike IPX, which is used by Deadlock I). The game world seems to load faster, but that could be my imagination.

I wonder why they haven't released the French versions of both games alongside the German ones? Both the German and French versions of Deadlock I were published by Warner, while the German and French versions of Deadlock II were published by Electronic Arts, so there shouldn't be any rights issues of which I am aware.
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Does anyone else think that Deadlock I's GOG cover artwork is a bit bland? I really think they should have gone with the original cover, pure class.
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

The German version of Deadlock I appears to be as the Warner release. Although, I thought the German version's about Deadlock box reported the version as v1.30, here it is v1.0, but I might be remembering the original version wrong. Multi-player is missing here too. Haven't checked to see if they have added group orders (which was only added in v1.31, which is later than the original German version).
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Tggtt »

Multi-player games aren't available (which is a real blow).
This is almost a crime...
Does anyone else think that Deadlock I's GOG cover artwork is a bit bland? I really think they should have gone with the original cover, pure class.
I found both new artworks to be ok. They seem very hi resolution. However, its just the explosion it could have more graphics.
Deadlock II appears to be unchanged, the multi-player option is still there (it uses TCP/IP, which is still supported under Windows 7, unlike IPX, which is used by Deadlock I).
DL2 could have been recompiled to new processors It doesn't need any real change since it uses modern APIs.
The original DL2 used Direct play, which is a API/framework that allows games over TCP/IP, IPX, dial-up modem or serial link.
Deadlock 1 uses Netbios actually, it's a protocol that can run over TCP/IP, IPX or Netbeui. It also allows serial and modem connections.
It looks as though Tommo are the new rights holders of Deadlock, hopefully they were able to get the source code from Atari. If they do have the source code, hopefully we can convince them to donate it to the OpenDeadlock project. With an updated, cross-platform application, sales of the GOG version will definitely increase (which will have the required data files).
Maybe they only have publish/copyright rights.
I'm not sure about the source. I heard it's possible to own software patents in USA, you must be sure its not active before any opendeadlock developer sees the source code. I think I would rather convince the developers to make Opendeadlock's source code as far as possible from the original than reusing the same code.
The sales would increase for the other resources, but a good agreement is needed before that.
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by burighan »

Wow this is crazy and unexpected !

Wonder who these Tommo guys are ? They seemed to have bought some Atari IPs after the bankruptcy thing ("In July, 2013, Tommo bought Humongous from the Atari bankruptcy proceedings"). Maybe they are the new owners of Deadlock now ?
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Tggtt »

I have just received my 2 in 1 pack.
DL1's manual is a copy from the original and still claims it has multiplayer.

Currently downloading the installers.
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Re: Deadlock 1 and 2 are now on!!

Post by Tggtt »

I've run deadlock 1 and it really feels faster and runs fine under Windows XP.
I used to play Deadlock under a Windows 2000 VM and the GOG version doesn't work on it.
It was probably patched (not recompiled). It still depends on dlnet, despite not using network.

There are still no newer processor optimizations (examples would include using MMX and/or SSE).

My Hypothesis: They could have patched it to make it run with newer libraries or to use more memory (the original was built for systems "short" on memory. Roughly, more memory would ease memory management and make it faster... it's more complex than that but that's the idea), so it would run smoothly under newer Windows. They couldn't get DL1 to run multiplayer (I can only make it work fine under Windows 3.11(a bit unstable) but it works), 95 and 98 (smoothly)) so they patched the window descriptor structures to remove the button.
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