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OpenCaesar 3

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:19 pm
by Tggtt
OpenCaesar 3 (or Caesaria) seems to be advancing well. That's possibly one of the most recent projects of open source game remake that has been advancing into playable status.

Since I'm working on OpenDeadlock, I am very curious about their development.
It seems that libs SDL, GLES, zlib and p7zip and C++ language was a good option for them.
Also, it seems to be evolving as a remake and then adding new features.
I have no idea how multiplayer would work in this (promised as new feature). Maybe sharing the same city? Who knows?
Besides that, good luck for them.


Re: OpenCaesar 3

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:36 am
by Sirre
Wow, I had no idea of this project!

It does look quite interesting, especially if the can get multiplayer going!

Although I preferred Deadlock to Caesar II (as I mentioned in another thread), the Caesar games (and other city-building games) has also been an integral part of my gaming experience. I just hope I can find my old Caesar III game so I can try openCaesar!

Re: OpenCaesar 3

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:22 pm
by TimeDilation
lol don't misunderstand me, i appreciate your creativity and effort, but why the hell do you think caesar III needs an open version? :D after all it is just unique and unbeatable...