Siege Cruisers

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Cyth Lord
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Siege Cruisers

Post by Cyth Lord »

I'm just wondering whether anyone here has found any actual use for siege cruisers in DL2. At first they seem like decent enough units with a unique ability to fire missiles into enemy territories, but I have never really found any strategic use for them. If I had a lot of resources and sea ports near the end of a game, I might build a bunch of them just to watch 4-12 missiles bombarding a single territory over the course of several turns. However they just take too long to build, are extremely expensive, and don't do much damage.

Has anyone else found a strategy to use these ships for any practical effect?
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Ubergeneral Grunt
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Re: Siege Cruisers

Post by Ubergeneral Grunt »

Their purpose seems to be to fire missiles at territories who are out or range from your territories when firing regular missiles from them.
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Re: Siege Cruisers

Post by Tggtt »

I think strategies don't always have patterns to serve a single specific purpose, however, I could use them in an attempt to:
  • Keep firing at a neighbouring territory of an enemy. The missiles are not very powerful, but they are enough to kill the first colonists after the territory is first settled, this could keep them from expanding.
  • Keep firing at enemy platforms on the same sea. This would drive them to build more flaks than torpedo forts, making it easier for ships to attack later.
  • Fire at a large city of your enemy, it probably won't destroy anything, but if you aren't a Re-Lu and the enemy doesn't have a bunker, it can help the enemy to lose morale.
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