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OpenDeadlock GitHub Project

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:17 am
by uber_nick
I'm excited to announce the start of a new project and development effort, hosted on GitHub:

The purpose of this project is to provide a public, accessible location to contribute to all OpenDeadlock efforts. The ultimate goal is to create a playable game that functions and feels like the original.

Currently, this project is little more than some tech scaffolding and the main menu screen. Over the next few weeks I'll be pulling in and integrating all the prior open-source code and assets as well. Beyond that, a project roadmap is available on the GitHub page.

Here are some screenshots of the current build:

* Windows Desktop
* MacOS Desktop
* Web (Chrome)
* Android
* iOS

Notice that the game can be built and run on just about any system! I'd like to make sure anyone can contribute and play, regardless of which platforms they use.

In terms of the technology used for this project, I chose the Flutter framework because it's open source and cross-platform. It uses the Dart programming language, which should be familiar enough to JavaScript or modern language users. I also expect to incorporate C++ code from existing libraries, namely Decoder.

If you'd like to contribute in any way, don't hesitate to either post here or even just jump right in. All work and discussion will be public and transparent, and all except the Skirineen are welcome.